and they became the pre contrived templates the culture creators offered them via pre formed pseudo individuality therefore the figurines of mystery babylon are currently entering the proto matrix:

In Baudrillard's discussion hyperreality is synonymous with the most developed form of simulation: the autonomous simulacra which is free from all reference to the real. In the essay, 'The Precession of Simulacra', Baudrillard writes of Disneyland as 'a perfect model of all the entangled orders of simulation' (1988: 171). Its function is less the ideological expression of an idealized America than to disguise the fact that 'all of Los Angeles and the America surrounding it are no longer real, but of the order of the hyperreal and simulation' (1988: 172). Baudrillard therefore sees the hyperreal of selective imitation and image-making presented by Disneyland as the rule rather than the exception. The resulting 'society of the image', prompts a panic-stricken attempt to shore up the real that has been eroded. This, so Baudrillard believes, is futile, since the attempt to produce meaning and save 'the reality principle' in a media-saturated society can only produce its opposite, an exacerbated experience of hyperreality.
In Baudrillard's discussion hyperreality is synonymous with the most developed form of simulation: the autonomous simulacra which is free from all reference to the real. In the essay, 'The Precession of Simulacra', Baudrillard writes of Disneyland as 'a perfect model of all the entangled orders of simulation' (1988: 171). Its function is less the ideological expression of an idealized America than to disguise the fact that 'all of Los Angeles and the America surrounding it are no longer real, but of the order of the hyperreal and simulation' (1988: 172). Baudrillard therefore sees the hyperreal of selective imitation and image-making presented by Disneyland as the rule rather than the exception. The resulting 'society of the image', prompts a panic-stricken attempt to shore up the real that has been eroded. This, so Baudrillard believes, is futile, since the attempt to produce meaning and save 'the reality principle' in a media-saturated society can only produce its opposite, an exacerbated experience of hyperreality.

progress to streamline and enhance your last life??
the digital is becoming actualized and mechanized to enter our world.. meanwhile your psyche has been genericized ..you are entering the digital realm of the beast which cometh out of the sea with two horns like a lamb. Tripple Wammy re the afformentioned is the third strand trifecta being the spiritual world literal breaching the veil superimposing and superceding what's left of the phisical dimension... a threefold chord is not easily broken.
becoming your proxy surrogate self in lucifers alternative digital sub reality encapsulated within the realm of his spititual sub reality
Bio Digital Convergance unto Bio Digital Symbiosis
Construct Erected being funnelled into the end of days simulacra Xanatos Gambited: attempt to Understand;