listen to creepy Johnny tell you he wants to see you turned into a Monarch Butterfly'mk ultra victim' and have gushing liquid love poured on you and tell you how Big it is..;
tribulation now, John the Baptist false moniker, false prophets, topless blonde angels in tighty whities, chronic compulsive speech disorder, low level disinfo chump, non combat x-military Obama Shill who endlessly bitches on Obama,
Compulsive talking can be a sign of ADHD. The DSM-5 lists excessive talking, blurting out, difficulty waiting one's turn in a conversation, and interrupting or intruding on others as symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. Anxiety is another cause of excessive speech..
Compulsive talking can be a sign of ADHD. The DSM-5 lists excessive talking, blurting out, difficulty waiting one's turn in a conversation, and interrupting or intruding on others as symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. Anxiety is another cause of excessive speech.