Air Force Space Command officials unveil new space badge
The master-level space badge, like other Air Force badges, will include a senior version with a star only and a basic version with no star or wreath. The badge and qualification criteria are pending formal approval and will be announced at a later date.
The Serpent Heavenly Vehicle. Seraphim. Guardian Angel.
This includes the winged solar disk which is one of the most recognizable symbols of ancient Egypt. The popular belief is that the Egyptian symbol of the winged solar disk predates the Sumerian winged disk.
Temple of Kom
Temple of Kom
Valley of the Kings
Nimrud (ancient Kalhu), northern Iraq
Neo-Assyrian, 870–860 BC
Jehu and king of Assyria , British museum
Neo Assyrian ivory panel , found at nimrod 8th century b.c. , metropolitan museum of art New York
Assyrian ivory horse blinke 8 century b.c. ,nimrod found at, metropolitan museum of art New York